Don't Pay Collection Companies A Penny!
Facts About Collection Companies You Probably Didn’t Know
Paying them off can drop your credit scores 50-80 points. You ask why? They will update your LDA on your consumer reports.
You have rights under the FDCPA that can help you fight them. Know your right or get with someone that does.
Disputing online through apps like credit karma & other apps are the worse way to dispute (not the best way to get a violation against them).
If you dispute and it comes off. Another company can post the item and it comes back.
Collection companies are known for suing consumers. (70 people were sued in East Texas & only 4 consumers showed up but didn’t know how to fight the charges so they all made payment arrangements)
Instead of trying to figure this out on your own. Please get with someone that knows how to handle these and make the collection company pay up!

We find violations for consumers against under the FDCPA, FCRA & TCPA and use it to help remove collections accts and other issues on reports. This expedites the process. Our law firms send out demand letters or talk with our clients if we need to file a case to get the best results. A lot of time this will also result in client receiving compensation from the companies putting these negative marks on their reports.
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